2021-12-15 18:36:58

Precautions for morel mulching cultivation

1. Precautions for morel mulching cultivation technology
Morel is a very precious food material with high nutritional value. The conditions in the growth process are also relatively harsh, so special attention should be paid in the process of cultivation.
1.1 Control the temperature
When mulching morel mushrooms, especially after mulching, if the awning has not been established in time, the temperature of the fungus bed will increase rapidly under the action of the white film. The increase is faster, which will have a certain impact on the vigor of the morel hyphae. Therefore, when using the mulching technology, it is necessary to postpone the sowing time of morels by about one week according to the normal time, and build the awning in advance. It is best to use a white mulch with uniform thickness.
1.2 Do a good job of ventilation
Under the action of the film, the growth environment of Morchella is relatively closed. In order to effectively avoid the occurrence of hypoxia, the mulch film will be placed a little too high at every interval of the mulch film. But the morel sowing season usually has more rainy weather. Uncovering the film needs to be considered according to the actual situation. If the rainy weather is constant, there is no need to uncover the film. When the soil humidity is very suitable, the uncovering work can be completed.
1.3 Control the time of uncovering the film
With the use of mulching technology, the cultivation of morels is relatively good, but it is very necessary to uncover the film and ventilation, and it is also very important to control the time of uncovering and ventilation. Generally speaking, the removal of the film needs to be controlled for ten to twenty days before the fruit emerges. Moisturizing and hydrating can also be carried out when the film is uncovered, which is also very beneficial to the acceleration of mushroom fruiting speed. If young mushrooms have formed in the ground, the time for uncovering the film should be slow, which can effectively avoid the occurrence of temperature differences and cause the young mushrooms to die. In practice, a more feasible method is to punch holes in the film, so that the environment under the film is close to the environment outside the film. After three to five days, the mulch can be removed. It should be noted that the humidity needs to be controlled at 85. Between% and 95%.
