2023-05-31 15:13:08

Oyster mushroom compost needs anti-acid rot in high temperature season

Pleurotus ostreatus composting encounters hot weather, so it is necessary to prevent the compost from becoming sour during composting.
In summer, various microorganisms grow rapidly, which is easy to cause acidification of the compost. The so-called medium acidification is the process of microbial fermentation, which leads to the reduction of medium nutrition. At the same time, the "toxin" produced by fermentation can inhibit the germination of hyphae. The acidified compost will cause difficulty in the growth of edible fungus mycelium, significantly increase the contamination rate of green mold and other miscellaneous bacteria, and breed a large number of cereus bacteria, resulting in rotten fungus bags in the later stage.
Here are some suggested suggestions:

1. Choose fresh and mildew-free compost, whether it is corncob, cottonseed hulls and other compost, you must check carefully when choosing, and it is best to expose to high temperature for 3 to 5 days before using.
2. Especially in high temperature weather, ventilation holes must be drilled for compost fermentation, and the pile must be turned in time. If the temperature in the stockpile is too high, it is easy to acidify and rot, so the pile height can be appropriately reduced.
3. Appropriately increase the amount of lime (lime powder is mostly used in production at present, and the quality varies greatly). When choosing lime, the quality must pass the test. Do not use industrial lime. Only when the pH of the compost is between 7.5 and 8.5 when bagging can the acidification of the compost be effectively prevented.
4. The moisture can be reduced appropriately. Generally, the humidity of the compost in winter and spring should be adjusted to 60%-65%, and it should be reduced to 50%-55% in summer.
5. Delay the mixing time. If the weather is extremely hot in summer, you can delay the time appropriately and wait for the temperature to drop before stirring. Not only the risk of composting is reduced, but also the risk of heatstroke is avoided for the operators.
