2023-06-19 09:55:25

Why does the enoki mushroom grow only the stalk but not the cap?

Enoki mushroom only long stalk not long cap, commonly known as enoki mushroom bush disease, or needle tip mushroom, which is a non-invasive physiological disease. When the cultivation bag or bottle is transferred from mycelium growth to substrate formation stage, the mushroom buds are clustered, and only the stalk does not form the cap, when the stalk elongates to a certain length, the top produces branches, the small branches grow for a certain time and then produce branches, the longer the small branches become weaker and sagging, forming a cluster of mycelium like phi, completely unlike the normal growth of the substrate stalk grows upward, the top expands and forms the cap. Its cap is stagnant in the young form when the original base is developing, and its diameter is about 1~2mm. The whole mushroom body is whisker-like, the individual mushroom body is short and sharp, without cap, the middle and lower part is slightly thicker, shaped like a needle. The growth of the substrate is severely inhibited and almost no production.
Cause: This is due to poor ventilation, high CO2 concentration and excessive humidity in the mushroom farm, which inhibits the growth of the cap. When the mycelium grows to a certain stage and turns to substrate formation, i.e. after the emergence of the original base, proper ventilation should be maintained and certain light stimulation should be given, and humidity in the mushroom room should be reduced. The apical part keeps producing branches.
