2020-04-15 16:54:43

Liquid Spawn Produce Technology

1 Liquid fermentor culture medium production
1.1 Adding Water into Fermentor of Interlayer
  Firstly, adding water into interlayer of liquid fermentor, method: with a silicone tube connected to the water pipe and interlayer inlet valve, you must open the interlayer valve to add water (to avoid excessive interlayer pressure damage to the inner layer of water, the amount of water added to the meandering discharge valve.
1.2 The Formula of Liquid Culture
   50L: corn flour 375g.Bean flour 250g. Defoamer 10ml.
   120L: corn flour 0.75kg.Bean flour 0.5kg. Defoamer20ml.
1.3 The Sterilization of Liquid Culture
   Adjusting the control box temperature of 125 °, opening the hot water bar to begin to heat, opening the interlayer valve No. 1, let go of the interlayer in the virtual pressure and extra water.
1.3.1 Adding Water into Fermentor
Through the inoculation valve or inoculation mouth to the irrigation body inside the water, add water to the irrigation under the mirror, until the water temperature rose to 60 °
1.3.2 Adding into Medium
    When the water temperature within the irrigation body to reach more than 60 °, with cold water to mixing corn flourl. Bean flour stir evenly, it can not be pimple, through the body fluid pump or funnel to join the irrigation, the liquid height to the irrigation observation mirror is appropriate, adding defoamer, And then tighten the inoculation port, open the pump, opening the pump steps: opening the filter shell to release valve, opening the filter shell intake valve, and then opening the pump, off the filter release valve and intake valve, and then irrigation irrigation valve. And then it need to Continue to heat up.
1.3.3 The Sterilization of Liquid Medium
    When the interlayer valve bleed the steam for 3-5 minutes off, close the mezzanine release valve 1 (steam pipe connected to the two ends of the sandwich water 2 and the inlet valve, the check valve down), when the interlayer pressure rises 0.1MPa, opening the mezzanine water on the 2nd valve and then opening the irrigation valve, small open water inlet valve, and so on into the air pipe after the closure of the intake valve. When the filling pressure gauge start to 0.15MPa to start caculating time, opening the irrigation valve 1/3, according to the pressure to adjusting the temperature to maintain 30-40 minutes sterilization.
1.3.4 Cooling Down Temperature
    After the completion of the timer, closing the irrigation inlet valve, off the interlayer valve 2 , the temperature control table add to 25 °, turn off the heating bar.
1.3.5 Dropting the Hot Water of Interlayer in Fermentor
At this point the filling valve can be re-opened a larger, through the interlayer valve to dropt the hot water (silicone tube to be tightened, the silicone tube to the hot water to be fixed to prevent hot water wounding), until interlayer pressure of Table pressure drop to 0.
1.4 Cooling Down the Liquid Medium
   Opening the interlayer water 1 valve to connect to the sewer to the sewer, interlayer inlet valve through the silicone tube access to the water pipe, cooling. When the pressure of the filling pressure gauge drops to 0.05MPa, opening the air pump (to prevent the irrigation in the cooling process to produce negative pressure caused by pollution, and the lower part of the cold water up faster cooling). Opening the pump steps: opening the filter shell to release valve, opening the filter shell intake valve, and then opening the pump, off the filter tank release valve (in the course of the culture can be opened through a small open tank exhaust valve condensate), through the irrigation Ventilation valve to adjust the irrigation pressure in the 0MPa above 0.05MPa, when the temperature dropped to 25 ° youcan begin to inoculate. (Depending on the temperature).
2 Inoculation
2.1 The Special Formula of Liquid Culture
   Sawdust (sieved with fine sieve) 500g. Bran 100g. Gypsum 10g. Raw material mixed with water into the 500ML of the bottle, the mother of the production method is the same as the original solid production.
2.2 Making Sterile Water
   With a hand-held pressure cooker to do 700-800ml sterile water, staying in 0.15MPa for 1 hour, and then you can inoculate when the sterile water is cool.
2.3 The sterile Water Is Added into the culture
2.3.1 The Tools of Inoculation
Alcohol lamp .75% alcohol bottle (about 30ml) vaccination hook.screwdriver
2.3.2 Sterilization
     Liquid sterile for the sterile water. A bottle of 4 million units of penicillin placed in the air purification table sterilization 30-40 minutes.
2.3.3 The preparation of inoculating
     Wipe with 75% alcohol cotton balls, with alcohol lamp flame on the hook hook sterilization (sterilization can be placed after 75% alcohol cooling), with a screwdriver to remove the penicillin aluminum cover (do not let the inside of the leather plug Tilted).
2.3.4 Inoculation
     With the sterilization of the inoculation hook in the alcohol lamp flame protection removed the triangular bottle of the mother part of the surface, the lower part of the bacteria in the lower part of the alcohol lamp flame 2-3 times into the sterile water. Then pouring into penicillin.
2.4 The Culture Are Accessed to Fermentor
2.4.1 Making A Flame Ring
Wraping the gauze with a handle wire (inner diameter slightly larger than the inoculation) and pour 95% alcohol. The flame ring completely set in the mouth of the inoculation, opening the to release valve, lit the flame ring, opening the mouth, inoculation open to half when the closure of the tank release valve, fully open the mouth after the fast, stable, light access bacteria (The tank pressure may rise again during the opening of the inoculation opening and can be deflated again by the tank bleed valve), tighten the inoculum. Opening the tank to release valve, the pressure transferred to 0 or more 0.05MPa below,and then attended into the culture stage..
3 The Examanation of Liquid  Culture
  Due to a variety of edible fungus varieties so different culture time is not the same, the general mushroom inoculation four days after the bacteria detection, first with alcohol lamp flame burning valve 30-40 seconds, the original out of a small amount of liquid bacteria, And then directly inoculated to the test tube medium slope, along the slope of the water poured out, leaving a small amount of bacteria cultured (also may have cultivated culture dishes inoculation culture). After inoculation with alcohol lamp flame to dry the inoculation valve, so as to avoid contamination of bacteria.
Note 1. Do not close the pump when inoculated into the tank.

  1. The cultures in the tank are completed the inoculation bag when the heating rod must  be in a closed state.
