2024-08-30 16:52:46

New Cultivation Technology of Yellow Enoki Mushroom

Yellow Enoki mushrooms are low-temperature and cold-tolerant fungi that have different temperature requirements at different growth stages. During the growth stage of mycelium, the growth temperature range is 4℃-32℃, and the optimal growth temperature is in the range of 22℃-24℃. In an environment below 4℃ or above 30℃, the growth rate of mycelium is slow. In the range of 3℃-4℃, mycelium will not die, but will hardly grow. It can continue to grow after the temperature rises. When the environment exceeds 34℃, the mycelium will die. For the formation and growth process of the fruiting body, the environment requirements are in the range of 5℃-18℃, and the optimal growth temperature range is 10℃-15℃. When the ambient temperature is below 8℃, the fruiting body formed grows slowly.
2. Air
Yellow Flammulina velutipes is an aerobic fungus. Sufficient oxygen must be added to the planting space at each growth stage. During the growth of the mycelium and fruiting body of the yellow Flammulina velutipes, attention should be paid to ventilation. During the growth of the mycelium, the oxygen content in the air is not strictly required, but the oxygen supply must be increased during the growth and development of the body. In order to increase the length of the stipe and inhibit the growth of the cap at the same time, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air needs to be increased. However, the concentration of carbon dioxide must be strictly controlled below 5% to prevent the formation of fruiting bodies due to excessive concentration.
3. Humidity
Although direct watering is not required during the growth process, the humidity of the culture medium and the air in the planting environment must be accurately and well controlled. Golden needle mushrooms are hygrophilous species. During the growth of mycelium, the water content in the nutrients needs to be maintained in the range of 60%-70%. If the water content is not in this range, the growth of mycelium will be affected. When the water content is lower than 60%, the mycelium grows slowly and becomes thin. When the water content is higher than 70%, the growth rate of mycelium decreases.
During the growth of the culture medium, the humidity parameters of the culture medium should be controlled at around 70%, and the relative humidity of the air should be in the range of 80%-90%. If the relative temperature is low, the growth rate of yellow golden needle mushrooms will drop significantly. If the relative humidity is too high, it is easy to generate miscellaneous bacteria, and diseases and rotten mushrooms will occur.

4. Light
Yellow Flammulina velutipes belongs to the type of fungus that can withstand low light. The mycelium can grow normally in a dark environment, but it grows stronger in a low light environment. During the cultivation process, the entire indoor space should be kept in low light conditions. In the process of entity generation, if it is in a completely dark environment, the mushroom body will not only grow slowly, but also have thin stems. In a low light environment, the growth quality of the fruiting body is better. It should be noted that if the light in the environment is too strong during the cultivation process, the stem will be shortened, and the golden needle mushroom will open its umbrella too early, and the time for the sale of the golden needle mushroom cannot be controlled. Therefore, in the actual cultivation process, shading treatment technology needs to be used to ensure that the entire indoor space is in a low light state.
