2021-12-10 19:12:35

Countermeasures for Physiological Diseases of Oyster mushroom

1. Pleurotus ostreatus
1. When Pleurotus ostreatus transforms from the primordium to the coral stage, the mushroom shed is not transferred to open ventilation and oxygen supply management, the environment is poorly ventilated, the light intensity is weak, the fruit body cannot be differentiated normally, and the growth ratio of each component is imbalanced. Cause tall leg mushroom, long handle mushroom or horn mushroom.
2. In low temperature seasons, especially in cold areas, in order to keep warm, there is less ventilation in the shed, and the concentration of carbon dioxide increases, causing deformities such as mushrooms and high legs and even death.
Solution: In the above two situations, increase the ventilation management immediately, and the next crop of mushrooms is expected to improve.
2. Lace oyster mushroom
1. The temperature difference between inside and outside the shed is too large or too small.
2. The normal physiological response of the fruit body stimulated by weather (such as haze) or low temperature.
Solution: Generally, no treatment is needed when encountering this kind of phenomenon. After the temperature is right, the tide mushrooms will disappear naturally.
3. Tide mushrooms do not grow big
Cause: If the first stubble mushroom does not have any disease, the mushroom body will grow old and curled. This is mostly caused by insufficient internal physiological maturity of the mycelium. , Since the nutrients in the bag have not accumulated and matured, no nutrients can be delivered to the mushroom body.
Solution: In response to this phenomenon, usually the second tide mushroom will return to normal.
